Nelson Mandela
Nelson Mandela is a man that has been both praised and punished. You can learn more about the social-cultural footprint that leaders like him have made upon all humanity on this website. At It’s All About Cultureculture is not genetically inherited, it is shared, learned, and dynamic- never static there are learning opportunities to explore differences and appreciate commonalities of all people. To gain a more holisticholistic means whole, the holistic study of culture means studying the entire context of a culture, such as language, religion, celebrations, organizations, rituals, etc., rather than focusing on one or two themes or components understanding of how culture molds human thinking, attitudes, and behaviors, Explore More! in Cultural Anthropologythe holistic study of humanity in its broadest context in all times and places, ancient and contemporary. Nelson Mandela is a real person, who lived in the Sub-Saharan Global Villagea place in the world where your ancestor may have lived,  the world is divided into cultural areas, each area designated as a global village, see the Global Villages Map.. Learn about other Global Villageson this site Global Villages are representatives of the 11 dominant culture regions, as designated by cultural geography maps and the people who live in them.
Nelson Mandela is associated with the anti-Apartheid movement in South Africa. He became the first ethnic African to become president of South Africa in 1994. He was a true “. . . symbol of peacemaking” and won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. You can read more details and see a film about Nelson Mandela and his many setbacks and successes at the following link. You may need to copy (Control C) and paste (Control V) the link into your browser.
Listen to, and watch, the tribute to Nelson Mandela by Dr. Maya Angelou. Notice how her wording promotes understanding and unity through her cultural know-how and positive thinking. Be sure to turn up your volume. You can also click on the picture of Dr. Angelou for a larger view.