South Korea’s Han
All culture’s have their different ways of suffering, but South Korea’s Han is a kind of suffering that we in the West are not familiar with. Suffering is something that all humans can relate to, and cultureculture is not genetically inherited, it is shared, learned, and dynamic- never static helps us to suffer in the appropriate way. Han, a Korean component of suffering, is very deeply felt, and is most often collective. The main difference between East and West cultures is collectivism. Western cultures are more individualisticindividualistic cultures are more interested in individual potential than group potential; individualism is about "I" and not "We"; individualistic cultures place great value on freedom and democracy. You can come to an understanding of these unique cultural attributes, collectivism and individualism when you Explore More! in Cultural Anthropologythe holistic study of humanity in its broadest context in all times and places, ancient and contemporary.
Kim Yuna’s loss of the Gold at the Sochi Olympics is a great example of Han. Please click on this link to learn of the depth of South Korea’s grief over their country’s “daughter.”