Questioning Cultural Assumptions
Questioning Cultural Assumptions is something that Professor Austin Stewart of Iowa Statea state is an independent political entity with a centralized government and set geographical boundaries where control is exercised by police or military; a state claims the right to defend itself from both internal and external threats by use of force; a state may have many villages and cities and/or millions or billions of people as in China and India University has spent a lot of time doing. A recent article states, “Stewart has spent his career creating artthe expressive or application of human creative skill and imagination in a visual form such as painting or sculpture, or in music, literature, or dance; art is created primarily for beauty and emotional power; and "holds art is anything the viewer or listener finds aesthetically pleasing." that questions cultural and personal assumptions.” Stewart, himself adds, “With all of my work I try to bring the projects out of the art gallery and out of academia and into a public forum, because we all need to be having these discussions within our communities,” he explains. However, he says the project isn’t just about poultry.
As you will see when you access the following link, the kinds of discussions he is talking about involves cultural attitudes that become assumptions, even when they are not meant in that context at all.
How humans treat the animals that we eat is not only threatening our assumptions about what constitutes humane treatments, but also about the way we eat, and the way we are treating the planet we depend upon for survival. Virtual is becoming so real that we are beginning to think we could create virtual environments for animals and make them feel like they are experiencing reality. Second Livestock? Really?
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