Cultureculture is not genetically inherited, it is shared, learned, and dynamic- never static is learned, (not inherited). Â It is shared, and symbolic. Â Culture includes beliefs, customs, traditions, ritualsthe prescribed order of performing a ceremony or act, especially one characteristic of a particular religion or church; rituals are usually collectivistic behaviors and most often include a specialist overseeing the activity or activities, arts, etc. of a particular societya group of people who are all interdependent and interconnected by their cultural connections; they live in patterned ways and their behaviors in various circumstances are well established; for instance in the Western world most people adhere to lines (cue) at bus stops, or movie theaters, or when checking out at a grocery store; patterned and regular ways of doing things are expected and accepted, group, or place. Â Anthropologist, Conrad Phillip Kottak, explains how, “. . . culture is an attribute not of individuals per se but of individuals as members of groups. Â It is transmitted in society by, “observing, listening, talking, and interacting with many other people.” (Mirror for Humanity, page 44.)