by Alana Jolley | Apr 29, 2015
aborigines – the original or earliest known inhabitants of a country or region, but the name is mainly associated with the indigenous people of Australia; often called Australian Aborigines – aborigine can also be used in expressing the original native...
by Alana Jolley | Aug 15, 2013
the changes and cultural adjustments people make when they are in consistent contact with cultures different from their own
by Alana Jolley | Dec 4, 2013
a status that has been acquired by effort such as a Ph.D given to a person who has completed a certain number of university courses in a certain category; or a famous Olympian who has won a number of Gold Medals; or someone who started at the bottom flipping...
by Alana Jolley | Aug 15, 2013
the processes by which people learn to cope with environmental forces or stresses relative to survival; cultureculture is not genetically inherited, it is shared, learned, and dynamic- never static is the primary way humans adapt to such forces or...
by Alana Jolley | Nov 12, 2013
cultivation of soil to grow foodany nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth plants using technologies such as plowing, irrigation, terracing, fertilizers and harnessing power of domesticated...