Gastroporn, Culture, Health
Above, young Marilyn Monroe eats at a 1950’s Drive In restaurant.
Gastroporn, Cultureculture is not genetically inherited, it is shared, learned, and dynamic- never static, Health leads us to wonder how the three are related. Acceptable standards for foodany nutritious substance that people or animals eat or drink, or that plants absorb, in order to maintain life and growth enticements have been rather slow, but they have reached the Gastroporn statea state is an independent political entity with a centralized government and set geographical boundaries where control is exercised by police or military; a state claims the right to defend itself from both internal and external threats by use of force; a state may have many villages and cities and/or millions or billions of people as in China and India as you see in these progressive photos of famous “lovelies” making burgers look so good we want one right now! Today we can order anything using an app or on the internet almost at the very moment we are being duped.
Gastroporn is a word describing pictures of food, which make us feel guilty for looking at them. But how do we feel after we eat what we at first only looked at? Do we think about the long-term damage to our health, our culture’s success, or the environmentthe surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates; the aggregate of surrounding things, conditions, or influences; ecology, the air, water, minerals, organisms, and all other external factors and influences?
We are being continually and culturally enticed to eat nutritionally void foods, which we know are bad for our health. Even the advertisements can become addictive if we fall prey to them.
These are adult advertisements, but not necessarily adult foods. Children are seeing advertisements geared for their childish palates as well. Usually the enticements for children include more than burgers. Their ads may include rewards like toys or candy. These ads promote children into badgering their parents to take them to the places where they may get the toys or play on the playground where such foods are offered. This is a double hit because both children and parents are led to make unhealthy food choices.
This photo of Heidi Klum is not the “over the top” Gastroporn that is currently out there, but it is getting close. Explore More! Find out how much culture and food are connected.