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Anthropology &
Family Histories

Cultural Anthropology

Studying anthropology opens our eyes to see the boundless doors of human diversity, which we all encounter throughout our lives.

Anthropology is a very wide genre, which includes Archaeology, Biological Anthropology, Cultural Anthropology, and Linguistic Anthropology. This website’s focus is Cultural Anthropology, demonstrating to students how culture connects to almost everything in life in one way or another. Online eCourses here introduce you to a wide range of topics having to do with understanding of culture.

The word culture is defined in many ways. Here are a few familiar definitions:

Culture is the set of responses learned by humans from other humans.

Culture is traditional behaviors passed down through generations.

Culture is a complex whole that includes knowledge, art, morals, law, etc.

Culture is a large and diverse set of intangible aspects of social life, including values, beliefs, language, communication, and other practices.

On this website, culture is simply defined as everyday life. You are invited to come in and learn how culture is capital for every human being. It is what separates us from other life forms. Culture is what determines our reasoning and how we think. Culture tells us what to do in every domain of life.

Culture teaches us how to behave in various circumstances. It helps us to survive by knowing what to eat, how to dress, how to treat others, and what to do in a crisis. By studying various cultures, we learn more about ourselves. On this website, you will discover why others do what they do and why they say what they say, and you will learn how to think differently in different situations.

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